Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Creative New Ideas (Part 2)

Hey all,

First and foremost, AIS UCSI would like to wish you Selamat Hari Raya Aidifitri and Eid Mubarak.
Hope you all have a great time celebrating no matter where you are. Remember to call back home if you didn't manage to go back hometown. May you cherish the celebration and also remember to be safe on the road alright !

secondly, back to our weekly Creative New Ideas. This week we have pavilion designs by our friends in foundation semester 2 and 3. Check them out !



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Monday, August 13, 2012

Creative New Ideas (Part 1)

Hey all. Here are some of our foundation semester 1 has done for their design work. 
With their clear and creative mind without boundary and limitations, they have modelled a design that is tangible and impressive !

Check out their creative ideas !

Here's where to find them. Facebook of course !